Gematria - Word Finder

Gematria Value 1:
Gematria Value 2:
Gematria Value 3:

To find English words that have a specified value in their gematria, enter a number in the top text box and submit the form by clicking the "submit" button or hitting enter. Likewise, to find English words that have two specified values in their gematria, enter one number in the top text box and the second number in the next text box and submit the form. Likewise, to find words that have three specified values, enter the numbers in all three and submit the form. To learn more about gematria or to find the gematria of a specified word, visit our Occult Code (Gematria) Calculator App.

HEADS UP! Crude and offensive words may be in your results. We include them in the database because they are so commonly used in Occult ritual media.

Inclusion Check:

If you're curious about whether or not a particular word is included in this database, you can search for it using this form. If you would like words to be added, we will consider adding if you have a batch of at least 10 words to be added. Email your list and request to bob at theopenscroll dot com. Tip: Include a personal note so it's less likely that my email app will toss it in the spam folder.